Monday, September 15, 2008

Bologna? I Think I'll Pass....

I have had a thing about processed meats for a number of years now – never been one to enjoy a hot dog, bologna makes me woozy and well, I could go on and on. So in the course of researching my new book, I found validity for my feelings, sodium nitrite proved that my ick feelings about processed meats were dead on.

As a food additive, sodium nitrite (also beware of sodium nitrate) serves a dual purpose since it both alters the color of preserved fish and meats and also prevents the growth of Clostridium botulinum, the bacteria which causes botulism. Sodium nitrite can turn your meats and fish the bright red color that you generally associate with freshness, when in fact the product can be anything but.

While sodium nitrite will prevent the growth of bacteria, it is also toxic for mammals. Recent studies have found a link between high processed meat consumption and colon cancer, possibly due to preservatives such as sodium nitrite. The evidence doesn't stop there, a recent study shows a 67% increase in pancreatic cancer for people consuming moderate amounts of processed meat on a frequent basis.

But leave it to our friends at to up the grossness factor a few more notches with the video below. This humorous take on a frightening subject will make you think twice before ordering pepperoni on that pizza or buying a hot dog from the corner vendor – I promise!!

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